2023-24 Budget Wrap

The 2023-24 Federal Budget was handed down on 9 May. It contains changes to business and personal taxation, superannuation, social security entitlements, as well as cost of living relief. Following are some of the headline measures, many of which are subject to enabling legislation. Click Here to Download

Thought of Registering a Trademark For Your New Business? September 2013 Issue

The ATO has issued a reminder around trademarks! For background, a trademark legally protects your brand and helps customers distinguish your products or services in the market from others. Trademarks can be used to protect a logo, phrase, word, letter, colour, sound, smell, picture, movement, aspect of packaging or any combination of these. In short, they protect your brand, products and services. Click Here to Download

Super Guarantee Increases to 11% July 2023 Issue

The increase to the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate from 1 July 2023 will see more employees (and certain contractors) entitled to additional SG contributions on their pay. But what happens when income earned before 30 June is paid after 30 June 2023 – will employees be entitled to the higher SG rate of 11%? Click Here to Download